East Central Area Literacy Council Receives National Book Fund Grant

Grants for educational materials

The National Book Fund makes grants for educational materials to adult literacy and adult basic education programs to help teach adults to read.logo_proliteracy

Before ProLiteracy established theNational Book Fund (NBF), literacy programs that couldn’t afford to buy books for students and instructors simply did without them. Students shared worn-out books with other students. Instructors used cast-off books, outdated resources, and photocopies during lessons. But today, with the help of NBF, we’re changing all that.

In 1995, using only donated funds, the NBF began providing local literacy programs throughout the United States with New Readers Press books and other educational materials.As a result of this grant, the East Central Area Literacy Council will be able to provide the following books for English language classes offered in partnership with East Central College Adult Education and Literacy:

3 teacher’s guides and CDs with 10 student textbooks each – Citizenship: Passing the test
3 copies – 101 American English Idioms
20 sets of the following 32 page booklets with teacher’s guide and CD with activities:
Black Widow Beauty
Danger on Ice
No Way to Run
Empty Eyes
Mystery Quilt
Kula’I Street Knights
The Ritual
The Experiment
75 Cent Son
Empty Eyes
The Very Bad Dream

Alice Whalen, executive director for the East Central Area Literacy Council, stated, “These resources will be a helpful addition to our English language classes. Students will be able to participate in reading groups to enhance both their listening and speaking skills.”



Executive Director, East Central Area Literacy Council Director, East Central College Adult Education and Literacy